FOR IMMEDIATE CONTACT WITH PETER FARKAS   USA (+1) 917-710-2468 - [email protected] - Skype: farkasp1 -           View Peter Farkas, Esq.'s profile on LinkedIn

Making a Difference Matters to us.

Top sales pros are part psychologist and part magician. We demystify what the top 2% are doing with our systematic training methods. Our track record is consistent and verifiable, sales increase, margins grow and the team is energized and motivated to go even further!

We convey our methods and strategies via live interactive workshops, keynote speeches, retreats, break out sessions at annual sales events and full in-house training contracts. Our two core programs are The  80/20 Professional Sales Solution™, and a transformational negotiating program we call Reality-Based Negotiating Program™. Our newest program designed for improving corporate culture both internally and with the customer’s experience we call Broken Windows – Broken Business™.

MPI’s training team consists of successful sales, negotiating, strategic planning and fundraising professionals, totaling more than six decades of experience, all connected to the “how” of producing sustainable and extraordinary results time and time again.

Learn more about the MPI team here and discover more about the MPI methods here.

The 80/20 Professional Sales System

The “80/20 Rule” synonymous with Pareto’s Principle has been a key driver in MPI’s sales training program. The result is a highly successful sales system designed to increase performance by users being more productive in less time. In another words, working smarter – not harder.   MORE 

Reality-Based Negotiating

This multi-faceted training program incorporates all components of the negotiating environment. Trained professionals immediately identify negotiator types and how to interface with each style of negotiator. Relevant case studies of actual negotiations are interactively role played to maximize retention.  MORE

I have been in the financial services and wealth transfer business for over 35 years. Attending the Mission Profitable Workshop has been a game-changer for me.
They challenge traditional thinking regarding sales by zeroing in on who truly desires what we have to offer or are they just having us spin our wheels again.
If your serious about what you do, Mission Profitable will have a profound impact on the way you do business and help you bring joy and purpose back into: Why we go to work!”

Russell Financial Services

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