FOR IMMEDIATE CONTACT WITH PETER FARKAS   USA (+1) 917-710-2468 - [email protected] - Skype: farkasp1 -           View Peter Farkas, Esq.'s profile on LinkedIn

Reality-Based Negotiating

This multi-faceted training program incorporates all components of the negotiating environment. Trained professionals immediately identify negotiator types and how to interface with each style of negotiator. Relevant case studies of actual negotiations are interactively role played to maximize retention.

Participants acquire the skills:

  • Questioning to shift pressure,
  • Use of objective criteria to gain leverage
  • Developing a clear understanding of negotiating ground rules to build confidence.
  • Interactively learning multiple offensive and defensive occasionally counter intuitive negotiating techniques.
  • Learning how top negotiators respond to “Your Price is too high”.
  • Counterintuitive strategies where going for a “No” gets you to a “Yes”.

Our goal is to provide you with strong negotiation skills that ultimately leave you knowing you are a confident negotiator. Whether it’s turning questions into answers, learning how to say “no” and get a “yes,” or dealing with the always-compelling “your price is too high” trap, our program simplifies and eases negotiation processes.

MPI offers several ways to leverage the Broken Windows, Broken Business model, either with an In-House Program Delivery or through our Client Appreciation Sponsoring Model.

about1Our In-House Program Delivery will completely transform your company’s corporate culture through utilizing the Broken Windows method. The workshop includes three sessions: (1) with the senior management team, (1) with the management team, and (1) with all employees.

The senior management session is tailored to the decision-makers and VIP’s of the company. Using the Broken Windows, Broken Business: Find ‘Em, Face ‘Em, Fix ‘Em approach, this half-day workshop specifically tackles and teaches managers to care, engage, and boost the drive for employees, as they begin to discover and resolve some of the Broken Windows.

In half a day, the management session delivers the fundamentals of the Broken Windows, Broken Business model. Managers will learn how to find Broken Windows within their departments, face and quantify the cost of the Broken Windows, and prioritize which window to fix first.

The easiest and quickest way to implement the Broken Business, Broken Windows method is in the half day all employee session. Available either through a seminar or webinar, this course introduced the Broken Business, Broken Windows technique and connects employees with their managers, to find, face, and fix their Broken Windows together.


The Client Appreciation Sponsorship Model brings together the company’s most valued and prospective clients. These sponsored sessions can either be tailored to clients within the same industry or can be an all-purpose session aimed at a diverse pool of clients.

Inviting clients to come together for a Broken Windows, Broken Business workshop with the intention of not pitching or selling to them, says their business matters and the success and effectiveness of their business does too.

These sessions, geared to the leaders and decision-makers in the clients’ organizations, teach the fundamental components of the Broken Windows, Broken Business model, demonstrating how to find, face, and fix the Broken Windows, and prioritize which Broken Window to fix first.

As we begin to plan the sponsored sessions, we first learn about your company’s capabilities. Then, as we facilitate the workshops, we help identify potential Broken Windows of your clients that can be fixed through the products and services your company offers.